Borrowing gameplay elements from Tomb Raider, Atlantis feels less challenging than past Disney games

User Rating: 6 | Disney's Atlantis: The Lost Empire PS

Atlantis wasn't the best animated Disney film I've seen it had some good moments and a unique art style of animation but wasn't the kind of film I would watch over and over. As always whenever a new Disney film is released in cinemas there is always a video game based on the movie itself around the week before or the same week as the film. Back in 2001 Atlantis was released for the PlayStation, like most Disney games that were released for the PlayStation have always been mixed reviews of both good and bad games in their library.

Just like the movie you play as Milo who wants to prove his grandfather's theory that Atlantis is a living, breathing civilization at the centre of the earth. Milo and his team of intrepid explorers on a quest to uncover the secrets and lost civilization of Atlantis; as you start up the game you can tell straight away that it feels like a Tomb Raider style platformer game when it comes to gameplay elements of jumping, climbing up walls, swimming and pull and pushing heavy objects. Each character will have a certain weapon with like a boomerang, a flare gun, grenade or rocks by pressing the circle button. But using the square button for punching against dangerous creatures and monsters sounds a bit ridiculous when you think about it is impossible to beat a bear with their bare hands, you'll have a health heart bar up to 50 HP if your health comes to 0 HP means you'll lose a life and start at the last checkpoint you’re at. You can use first-aid, antidotes and can of food to restore your health but by pressing the select you can open the backpack and select what items you want to use just like see in the original Tomb Raider series.

When I mention you can play as Milo you can switch characters at any time if you find a radio nearby in each of the levels and is also a checkpoint as well. You can play as either Vinny, Audrey, The Mole or Kida and each one will have their own technique on gameplay certain parts of certain levels will require to play as a certain character in order to get pass this certain part of the level one part is where you have to use TNT to blow up a large monument making it a bridge to get across hot lava. Pressing and holding the triangle button you can search when it comes to certain artefacts with giant text writing on them or require something like a key or piece to open door, it is a pointless thing to have in a video game but most of the puzzles and challenges are straight forward and easy to solve.

Most parts of Atlantis had some good moments on gameplay the graphics and visuals looked impressive as well as Disney Interactive wanted to make it as good as the movie as possible, it might have borrowed some gameplay elements from the likes of Crash Bandicoot and Rayman 2 but there were one or two parts that I found a little frustrating and possibly glitchty but can be easily ignored. But some levels had some really unique detail especially when it came to both the Fire Trail and Ice Trail levels which had a good challenge, but there was one level that can take you more than an hour to figure what you are doing running back and forth including a lot of swimming on top of that. I liked the soundtrack and nice that they kept the movie cutscenes in before you start each level, like past Disney games if you collect all the letters based on the title of the movie in each level you can unlock the movie cutscene you've just watched at the beginning of the level, if you collect Green Crystals collect them all will unlock artwork and personal files nothing really much to see after beating the game 100 percent.

Getting through the game can take you at least six hours or less if you want to collect everything, but as I've already mentioned it’s nice to see Disney taking on a Tomb Raider approach on gameplay and visuals but it can an enjoyable but it can be a .