Best Game Ever….. if you are a five year old little girl

User Rating: 1.7 | Disney Princess GBA
Only very young fans of the Disney movies can appreciate this game. The only way to see this game as fun is as follows: you really love every single Disney movie that has a princess, or you have never played another video game in your life so you have nothing to compare it too.

This game allows the player to take control of princesses that starred in many of the famous Walt Disney movies. Players will assume the role of Belle, Aurora, Cinderella, Ariel, and Jasmine. Each character will play out a role that resembles that of the movie they starred in. Most characters have three levels to venture through and each supports a different style of play. For instance, Belle walks left or right in simple side scrolling manor. But Aerial's level is more free roaming as you can not only travel left and right, but also up and down since she is swimming. One of Jasmine's levels is also similar to this as she takes control of a magic carpet.

For the most part, each character has a button that jumps and another used for some sort of task. For example, Belle throws snowballs at incoming wolves, Aerial shoots sparks from her trident, and Jasmine will knock enemies out with a sword. Just when I thought that the attacks couldn't get any worst, I played Snow White's level. Only in a Disney game can you sing an enemy to death. If she stands within general proximity to an enemy, she can knock them out by way of singing an annoying tune. And Aurora can't even jump. She just waves a wand in hope to transform butterflies into fairies. But, the very worst of them all has to be Cinderella's level. It is the player's job to clean up the house by sweeping and scrubbing the floors. I can't believe this is in this game. It teaches little girls how to clean up. How sexist and immoral is that? In addition, how not fun is it to clean up your own house in real life… then you must do it virtually in a game? I'm not sure I understand this concept completely. To add to this confusion, the enemies in the game made me laugh. I realized that Belle is trying to avoid getting mauled by rabid wolves and Jasmine is trying to dodge magically spinning swords that seem to be following her. I'm not sure if this makes complete sense.