This game is aimed at younger gamers but can appeal to the older ones as well

User Rating: 8.5 | Disney/Pixar Toy Story 3 X360
I remember loving the toy story 2 buzz to the rescue game and loving it! This game is just like that only better. The graphics look great and are just a step off from looking like the movie itself.
I found this game to actually challenge me at times so its got a good difficulty.
the story is loosely tied in to the movie but you get the idea.
controls work fine. I dont understand why anyone says any different.
and the gameplay is great! a open world game with pixar characters! what more could you want?

Besides feeling a little silly playing a game that is intended for kids more than half my age, I found this to be quite a enjoyable ride! If your a parent thats looking for a game for your kid that you wouldn't mind playing along with them (or even by yourself!) I say go for it! family friendly doesnt always mean boring for the more seasoned gamer!