Not a great game, but one that makes good use of the Bug's Life license.

User Rating: 6.5 | Disney/Pixar A Bug's Life: Action Game PC
This was one of the first computer games that I played as a kid. I loved it! It provide simple yet interesting gameplay, that was just deep enough and hard enough to keep it interesting.

The basic gameplay is simple, you run around as flick in a 3D world. You throw berries at your enemies from your limitless pouch. Some foes can only be defeated by more powerful beries and/or your Butt bounce. There is hardly a challenge here since most of the berries are homing, and even with the ones that aren't, there is an auto target system that does all the work for you. The combat is really simple and really easy, and provides little challenge to anyone but the most casual of gamers. The interesting aspect of this game is the seeds, which make for some interesting puzzle solving. It can take a little getting used too, but in reality it's not all that hard.

The game is split up into 5 sections. Each has 2 normal levels and then a boss battle, for a total of 15 levels. (+ 1 basic training level) Each of the different sections has a different feel to it and there is a good amount of variety in the levels, and the levels are well designed and laid out. The boss battles are actually good, and they up the difficulty from the normal levels. Graphically this game is unimpressive. The textures are bland and there are some graphical glitches. However, the characters look good, and usually animate well. The sound is where the game really falls short. The music can be catchy at times, but it gets repetitive, and many of the music tracks are downright annoying. The voice acting is decent, but it is very scarce and loops constantly til it just annoys the hell out of you. The sound effects are passible but again unimpressive.

The game will appeal mostly to children who like Pixars film. It is a decent game and does the movie justice. It's just a shame that a few corners were cut.