At World's End-Wii Version Warning: This game induces prolonged painful wrists and frustration.

User Rating: 2.5 | Disney Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End WII
I reviewed "At World's End" for Xbox 360 and it was a great game. I'm a huge Pirates of the Caribbean fan and I couldn't wait to try the Wii version. My verdict? It's downright terrible! I only got through the whole game because of my love for the series. It follows the events from "Dead Man's Chest" and "At World's End" fairly loosely and doesn't stick the actual way the events happened. The Wii version forces you to use the motion controls for sword play. Sounds fun, right? NOT! Within a minute you'll feel that you're wrist has arthritis! It took me so long to complete the game because my wrist kept giving me pains! To make it worse, the fighting system is broken. It's so very hard for kids to play this game. My little sister kept getting upset because as hard as she waved her hand to fight, too many enemies kept hitting her and thus killing her. The game is like this in every level. The motion controls and everything is just broken to the point where you loose interest within minutes. With the combination of the game being painful to play and the fact the game looks as good as a PS1 game, this game is a total pass for anyone and everyone.