Unreasonably Easy, Finish with a Sore Arm.

User Rating: 5.5 | Disney Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End WII
PotC3 (Pirates of the Caribbean 3) is a RPG that is OK, but definitely could've been better. I will cover the good and the bad.

• GREAT GRAPHICS! The graphics are unexplainable, they are REALLY GOOD! They make the characters seem ALIVE! Well... to avoid overexaggeration, I guess they don't really make them look literally alive.
• AMAZING PRICE! New, the game can be bought at approximately $30; used, it can be bought at approximately $18-$20.
• GREAT STORYLINE! Follows the PotC3 movie storyline.
• OK MULTIPLAYER! The multiplayer is ok, this is what it involves:
* Two players may compete in fighting other computers in order to get a certain number of kills.
* Two players may compete in getting a certain number of combo hits.
* Two players may compete in getting a certain amount of gold.
* Two players may battle each other as done in the boss battles.

• BEAT IN TWO DAYS! The game being ridiculously easy, I beat it in about five hours of playing time. Rent it and you will be glad you did.
• OVERUSE OF THE WII REMOTE CONTROLS! There should've been an option that allowed you to disable the Wii Remote Controls; meaning, you have to swing your arm ALOT in order to defeat one enemy! They should've made an option to disable the Wii Remote Controls and replace it with B or something.
• BORING! If you buy the game, new, and are unable to return it, you technically have three choices:
(1) Let the game sit on the shelf.
(2) Bore yourself to death with the free play mode or start the Story Mode over.
(3) Turn it in to GameStop for about $5.

Overall, I give the game 5.5... meaning that I think you should rent the game and beat it in the week you have to play it.