Nice graphics, and for the rest of the good… nice graphics.

User Rating: 5.5 | Disney Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End PC
Pirates of the Caribbean, At Worlds End, has some really nice graphics. The opening game cut scene has you feeling like you're watching the movie. A lot of attention was paid to detail in both the environments and the characters. This game has really nice graphics; the reason I keep repeating this is because that's about all that impressed me.

The actual storyline wasn't that good and just seemed to jump from area to area without much rhyme or reason. You're able to control different characters that all played exactly the same as all the others, about the only difference was their appearance. The game did play smoothly and without flaw which could be considered a plus if wasn't for the dull and repetitive game play. There are some mini games that can be played but they are as dull as the game itself. About the most fun that I personally had was having Captain Jack get slapped by all the maidens at the different ports. This game is just another one those poorly thought out movie rights games to try and make some extra money off the franchise's name. I will say this though, the game sure had nice graphics.