Unsurprisingly enough Disney's game is not very fun. This game is almost as tedious as the movie series it is based on.

User Rating: 6.3 | Disney Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End PS2
The only reason the classification says "Rent it First" is because I could not find an option that says "Rent it only". I do suggest renting it because I believe that everyone is free to form their own opinions. My opinion however is to warn you that as soon as you play the first level you have played all of them. I will admit that at first the game is rather fun but when you are through you are left thinking "I can't believe I played the whole thing." The game play leaves little inspiration to he player because the sword fight consist of the same basic moves over and over again. This does not give many options as far as creative killings. Another warning that is pretty much common sense, do not play this game before you see the movie! It has some storyline elements you might want to leave as a surprise when you see the film. Overall the only thing more dull and repetitive than this game is staring at the test pattern on the TV screen.