The swordfights are kinda boring and repetitive. i wouldn't really recommend it to somebody who doesnt like the movie.

User Rating: 7 | Disney Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End PSP
The game is based on the movie but the story is a little different. The game is easy to get trough but not so easy that you can do it with your eyes closed. sword fighting gets repetitive and boring after a while It is also a little hard to understand the players because when they talk their mouths do not move because the graphics aren't very good and they look weird also so it is a little hard to tell apart the player who you are. but there are many mini-games to play that are really fun like jackanism when you have to smash buttons or card games. in the game you can also collect money but i don't see why that is good because all you can do with money is playing card games or unlocking treasure room trophies. You can also unlock players, places and more stuff at the treasure room but most of the treasures you cant use. Overall if you are not fan of the movie then i would not recommend it.