In spite of everything

User Rating: 8 | Disney Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End PS3
Yeah, I realise I will lose a whole bundle of respect for this review, but the truth is, after all is said and done, I enjoyed this game. It is like The Catwoman game, I did not expect to enjoy that one so much either. That isn't to say that this game does not have its flaws. Trust me it does, and they are huge and glaring.
One thing, could they not get at least someone who sounds like Johnny Depp to do a voiceover? This game turns captain Jack Sparrow into a pantomime of himself. That plus a combat system that is damn near embarrising. No actually, let us get rid of the damn near part. When you are sword fighting an enemy, all you do is hit one button. On the third swing of your sword the enemy turns his back on you and quits fighting.
Okay, those are the two things I find I did not like about this game. I did like the exploration parts. When you are not fighting the game is a pretty good run around platformer. So if you do play this expect to be climbing and jumping, trying to find treasure and lost items.
The combat does improve later in the game when the bad guys get harder to beat. The boss battles are cool, yet there are sections where you fight as three characters at once. Just keep switching off, because when you are not controlling a character, they stand there to get chopped down.
The big star here are the graphics. The likeness of the characters are spot on from their movie counterparts, and the backgrounds are nothing short of amazing.
Everything about this game told me I should not have liked it as much as I did. To tell you the truth I have no real urge to go through it again, but for the time I played it. I did have fun.