This game would be fun if it had the events that took place in Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End.

User Rating: 7.5 | Disney Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End PS2
Sure the game is labeled "Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End" but all the events that took place in the game came from "POTC: Dead Man's Chest", so the name is valid but the events are not. If this game was called "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" I would give this game a better rating. I like the graphics because it all looks so real, the characters, terrain, ETC. The objectives can be repetitive at times but some objectives are just not completable, like for example on the mission "Pearl VS Dutchmen" when William Turner yells for help and one of the enemy approaches him I try to take him down but he doesn't stop he just plows his way through and kills William Turner each time and I've tried like five times already all failed. The controls are slow, like for example I try to take down an enemy I press five buttons and I can't do anything to stop it and by the time the character completed his five moves he's dead, the controls are just to slow and clumsy.