This will only appeal to those die-hard fans of Pirates of the Caribbean

User Rating: 5 | Disney Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End PS3
Based on the third movie in the Pirates of the Caribbean series, At World's End isn't really worth checking out unless you're a die-hard fan of the series. Since there wasn't a video game for the second movie-God only knows why-the game developers decided to add it on here. The game does a good job of both recapturing the movies' plot and feel. The voice acting is decent, but the real actors from the films aren't in the game. The soundtrack makes you feel like you're both watching and playing the Pirates of the Caribbean. The best part about this game is its graphics. Characters look like their real life selves, and the environments have high detail to them. The Xbox 360 version is much more attractive, though, since the frame rate is a lot better and the game runs smoother. Where the game fails is in gameplay. The mission design isn't really that fun, since you'll be running around either fending off foes, or searching for a person or lost item. Combat is not that much fun. It's simple button mashing, and the animations look ugly. The game won't take you all that long to beat, and it isn't a very memorable experience. I myself didn't enjoy the game and it isn't recommended unless you must have a Pirates of the Caribbean game.