The dull combat and poor mission design prevent this game from being recommendable to anyone

User Rating: 4 | Disney Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End WII
It's a bit odd that when this is supposed to be based off of the third movie in the Pirates of the Caribbean series, there's also the second movie in here, too. Fans of the series will notice this immediately after the game begins, where Jack Sparrow breaks out of the prison where he's being held captive. People might ask, "Why would the developers add the second movie in when the game is supposed to be based off of the third?" Obviously, the developers were too lazy to make a video game based off of the second movie, so they decided to add it here. As for the story in this game, it relates somewhat with the film, but it isn't all that great. Voice acting is decent, though the real actors are nowhere to be found. The soundtrack does a good job of making you feel like you're in the movie. The visuals aren't nearly as well done. Character models look absolutely horrendous, along with the plain and bland looking environments. Where the game really starts to fall apart is in gameplay. Mission design is repeated over and over again, making you go from point A, to point B, to point C, and so on until you reach the end of the level. Combat is a real pain, since you'll often be waving the Wii remote around mindlessly just to fend off your opponents. There are some action sequences where you'll have to press a button or wave the Wii remote or Nunchuck in a certain way, much like Spider-Man 3 or God of War. The punishment for death is quite minimal, and you'll probably be blowing through this game in under ten hours. This game is easily not recommended to anyone, even for those die-hard fans who can't get enough of the Pirates of the Caribbean. If you absolutely, positively, must have this game, check the current console ones. There's nothing fun about playing this game, and it is most definitely a waste of your time.