Fun platforming, albeit limited Swash-buckling pirate action.

User Rating: 6.5 | Disney Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End DS
The Nintendo DS seems to play host to a plethora of platforming games, from the New Super Mario to Assassin's Creed. I just purchased Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's end a week ago. Who cares if i'm a little late coming into this game, I live in Australia and the games are $60 US over here. I only buy preowned.

Anyway, back to reviewing. Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End is a simple, linear, but essentially fun platforming game. Jumping across ledges, carrying fire from one spot to another in a limited amount of time, crawling through familiar scenes from the movie, it's all great. However, with all great game design, there's a few minor gripes which I have with the game.

The combat is fun... for the first 2 levels. After you make it into Davy Jones' Locker, the combat gets boring, even with the strategy you get with Savvy Weapons (such as strategically thrown flash bombs) and the stealth kills. I really disliked the whole Davy Jones' Locker Level, as the music, tone and atmosphere simply killed the whole swash-buckling pirates theme.
Aside from those minor grips, the fun and sense of reward you get after unlocking Jack Sparrow revives the game and gives you reason to play it till the end.

The length of this game is enough to keep you entertained, and is well worth buying. There were some additional features i found quite pointless though... i'm one of the few people which hates the 'Liar's Dice' mini game, and the fact that the entire single-card multiplayer revolves around this makes the multiplayer pretty dull. The duels are fun though, and aside from a few minor levels, i found this a very, very enjoyable platforming game.

Review by Lauder Now