too short

User Rating: 9 | Disney Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End PS2
Quite a lot of people dislike games that are based on movies...But some of them are very good. One being "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End". I went to see the movie before I bought the game - Mainly because I didn't want to know the ending of such a good movie from a video game. This game is based on the "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" and "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End" - Taking place in different halves of the game. The character likenesses are very good but the voice acting on some of the characters is mediocre - Captain Jack Sparrow's voice: Good. Will Turner's voice: Not so good. Elizabeth Swan: Good. Davy Jones: Bad (It sounds nothing like him)
The graphics in the game are quite good but they could have been better. But don't worry - this doesn't make the game any less enjoyable. The game is in the style of a platform game. The level design is very good providing a variety of possibilities for dispatching of your enemies, who are actually more difficult than the GameSpot reviewers let on. The sword fighting (A.K.A Swashbuckling) works well with the game. The reviewers complained that it was boring and repetitive but this is not true. It is boring and repetitive if you do not use it properly, then it turns out to be quite fun. The length of the game is quite short - It is possible to complete it in one day. But you needn't worry, there are a variety of mini-games for you to enjoy. In conclusion, "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End" is a very enjoyable game that will keep you playing until your finger's hurt.