Seemingly innocent game, but will challenge and frustrate you.

User Rating: 7.5 | Disney Adventures in the Magic Kingdom NES
Every summer as a kid, my family and I would go to Disneyland. When I saw this game, I didn’t know what to think at first. One, I didn’t know how Capcom would incorporate Disneyland into a video game and two; I was concerned this would be some kiddy game that would make me retch. But the idea of exploring a place that I spend many a summer vacation at and the fact that Capcom has made some great games for the NES, I thought it might be worthwhile. When I found a copy at a local pawn shop for $5, I thought what the heck.

Being a Capcom game the graphics are top notch. Colorful, bold, and simple are the best way to describe them. Compared to other Capcom games, it holds it own, and as for NES games as a whole, Adventures in the Magic Kingdom holds its own. The sound and music are what you would expect from a game like this. Nothing too special, but appropriate for the game’s content. One surprise was how difficult this game was. Thinking it was a Disney game and that the main audience would be children, I was caught off guard. There was more than one time that I became frustrated at this game. I would consider myself a gaming veteran when I played this game, but the difficulty kicked my butt on more than one occasion. My pride wouldn’t let me give up on this game and I managed to complete it, but it made me wonder what the target audience was in the first place. A young child wouldn’t have the attention span to sit through and play this game long enough to get anywhere. I was a little embarrassed that this game schooled me like it did. It isn’t something I like to talk about. I do have a reputation to maintain.

If you love Capcom games for the NES, this game will not disappoint you. You will feel at home with it if you played Mega Man or Duck Tales. Just be prepared to be challenged. It may seem all kiddy and innocent, but it will grab you by your gaming balls. Consider yourself warned.