Solid game, however....

User Rating: 6.7 | Disciples II: Dark Prophecy PC
Disciples I had a potential. Dark fantasy settings which were a nice alternative to the slightly fairy tale-ish world of Heroes of Might and Magic. Different but nice combat system, and the awesome artwork. The game however suffered from number of problems, poor graphics (didn't bother me), dull engagements with the enemy, shallow economic side of the game, lack of diversity on the map and above all F###ed up concept of the Game. All the scenarios, be it the campaign mission, skirmish or even multi (can't recall if the game had any) were reduced to a plain formula of capture some building/slay a beast/ capture a neutral city. Annihilating the enemy was not possible because of annoying as sheit invincible "Capitol guardians" that couldn't be removed by any means.
Having this in mind i expected great things from number 2. Sadly most of the weak point of the game remained. While the graphics improved quite, new units were added, the guardians remained, economy did not change at all and the same feeling of emptiness remained. The game concept still remains the same. Make an army, level them up a bit on the never-dying opposite faction until they are strong enough to take on the objective city/party/monster. For shame
Overall the game is not bad at all. It just lacks the complexity of the more successful Heroes of Might and Magic or even Age of Wonders alternatives to make the gamer stick for longer. So if you are new to the series you could probably have a good time for about 20 hours or so discovering the whole game, but once its over you won't reach for it again. Players having already experienced the first game, not noticing any significant changes will not find anything interesting here.
Decent game for a couple of evenings but nothing more.