this is a great game and a must play.

User Rating: 9.6 | Dino Crisis (PlayStation the Best) PS
i remember when i got this game and when i first played it, it became my favorite game. the graphics were great at the time and even still aren't that bad. my favorite thing about it was the story which i really connected with. i also connected with the characters.the gameplay was simple and resembled resident evil being that it was also made by capcom. regine (the main character) is thrown into and adventure she'd never forget, battling dinosaurs to save her life and her team mates gail and rick. while at the same time trying to capture a scientist dr. kirk who got the dinosaurs from the past to the present. after beating the game you can unlock other costumes which are fun to go through the game again while wearing. there were plenty of weapons to choose from and were some puzzles there to keep your mind thinking. natually being a horror survival game it had it's moments that would make you jump this game is a definete buy and will have you playing it over and over again.