Kinda like Resident Evil with Dinosaurs.

User Rating: 7.9 | Dino Crisis (PlayStation the Best) PS
Think of this game as a mix between Resident Evil and Jurassic Park and you will get Dino Crisis, another hit from Capcom. The Dinosaurs are loose around the base and its your goal to get the info you need and weapons in order to take them down and escape with your life. At first I loved this game but as I was playing it I realized that there is not enough ammo to kill them all and barely enough to knock them unconscience. Plus there are certain areas where its almost Impossible to escape. If your looking for a very hard game to play, this is it. Graphics are very good and the Dinosaurs look real enough to be scary. Sound has you looking over your shoulder one time and running for your life during another. I'll admit to using the cheat codes to beat this game but it was worth playing. The storyline is actually pretty good and the animations are good. A mix of third person and one scene on the back of a truck makes a good variety. If you enjoy Resident Evil games and your looking for something different then go for Dino Crisis. Just beware of your ammo and health, it goes fast.