Even though this is so god-damn repetitive, you enjoy blowing dino's heads up.

User Rating: 7 | Dino Cap IOS
THE GOOD: +Grusome, +Fun, +Tons of Weapons, +Checkpoints, Infinate Levels.
THE BAD: -Repetitive, -Bad Music.

GRAPHICS: 7.5/10
The graphics look pretty good, except a lot of the times the dinos head explodes in the same pattern. There is some detail but not a lot.

GAMEPLAY: 6.0/10
The game is fun and cool, but repetitive. Even though the game has tons of dinos to murder, it's very repetitive. There are about 30 weapons and tons of levels, but it's top much of the same. So far I've only faced 3 different dinos, and I need more to see. Once you get all the weapons, your racking up money for no reason because you've already got all of the cool guns. I don't get new missions like I do in Doodle Army, I don't even get a new background. I need more god dam content. Besides that, the game is enjoyable, but it won't keep your interest for very long.

Killing Dinos!!! YAY. I didn't find any amount of story in here.

AUDIO: 6.5/10
Music sounds stupid, but the sound effects are good.

CONTROLS: 9.5/10
The controls are very easy and simple to use.

Even though there are infinate levels, there isn't any content. Unless you are really addicted or just love this game, you won't be clicking the game too often.

Dino Cap is a grusome shoot em up. Heads explode and Heads come off-
still this is a repetitive game. There is almost no content in here, so you probaly won't be addicted to it. Still, this game is fun at the start, and you can't wait to get the new weapons.
DINO CAP: 7.0/10