Worst Digimon game, and this is coming from a big fan of the series.

User Rating: 4.1 | Digimon World 4 GC
After enjoying the PS1 digimon games, i had high hopes for whem the series moved to the newer consoles. However those hopes were dashed, as this game is one of the worst Ive ever played. Tamers dont exist in this game, not that its a bad thing own its own, but the disappointments dont stop there. Having to use weapons seemed rather silly, and the resulting 'dungeon crawls' for missions is one of the worst excecuted styles of play. the enemies can surround you, beat you down quickly, and when you revive, you have to go get the chip you dropped to get your money back. Oh and you also lose exp on death. What is this crap? Digivolving is a real pain, and if you leveled enough you dont even have to digivolove in order to beat the game. I have almost nothing good to say about this game, for it holds my lowest review score ever.

Gameplay 3- have to use these big weapons to fight, so what. Whats the point. the only thing that could have made this game worse was if the controls sucked.
Graphics 6- nothing special
Sound 5- again, nothing special
Value 4- any digimon fan should stay away from this game, well-- everyone in general should stay away.