It's an okay game

User Rating: 7.5 | Digimon World 4 PS2
Digimon is a pretty good game. The graphics for the game while your playing it is pretty good not so bad but I could be better but also I never really seen a cut scene in Digimon world 4 so I can’t really judge that. The game play is really annoying a time’s it’s really annoying when you are using the guns and your trying to aim and you can’t aim that great that really annoys me >.< but other then that it has pretty good game play. The number 1 thing I love about this game is the multiplayer how you can play with friends. I hate playing this game all by my self so I advise you have at least 1 friend to play with so you can talk and help each other and stuff instead of just sitting there all by your self: p. So the overall rating I give this game a 7.5