I don't know what anyone else thinks, but DKR is a darn good game!

User Rating: 9 | Diddy Kong Racing N64
I played this game and unlocked all the characters, maps, and arenas. I also beat all the time trials and etc. I find this game to be very fun. Co-Op adventure/Racing SP mode is fun with a friend, and The mini games are great too. The silver coin challenges can be slightly frustrating, but it pays off after you're done. The Game plays like an action/adventure game which is slightly odd for a racing game. 3 Different Vehicles Make ths game topple mario kart, BTW... Finding keys to unlock levels, bosses at the end, etc. To get the most out of this game, but need to play with a friend or 3, and get the unlockables. With tons of features, and plenty of Freedom to make your own "challenges" this is the racing game any N64 Fan should Own. If you ever player mario kart (snes), you will love Diddy Kong Racing!