Fun, fast paced, cool skills, easy to play with friends. Some lackluster battles, and a lack of finality/epicness

User Rating: 7 | Diablo III PC
I will say this at the start: I've played through the game once on normal difficulty and Act I on Nightmare. I would say that the game really isn't that difficult, though nightmare has been a bit more challenging (still not hard in my honest opinion, but hopefully bigger boss fights later on will prove different). Regardless, the game is pretty good overall.

I'll focus on my problems with the game: My biggest peeve is the story. Though the ending is no Mass Effect 3, it really doesn't wrap anything up or make you feel like you accomplished much. It's a vague 'and everyone lived happily ever after', diablo is dead forever, heaven and humans got along and had great peace bla bla bla. I know they're setting up for something else possibly, but I don't feel like this game had a full story. It's like half the story, and they're going to come back with some $60 expansion that has diablo come back or the leader of heaven become evil or something along those lines. There's just a lot of loose ends they kind of ignore at the end of Diablo III; I got no sense of finality.

Ok, other than my fear that blizz is just going to suck as much money out of diablo fans as possible with expansions to complete the story started in this game, I think that the game is pretty good. Sure, its a lot of hack and slash, and basically that's all it is. But it isn't; the skills and abilities you get are pretty cool, fighting is very fluid, the story is pretty good while you're in it, it's awesomely easy to join friends and fight together, the graphics are solid, so on and so forth. It's a well done multiplayer RPG. Nothing really knocked me off my feet, but it has been a good amount of fun thus far. Is it worth $60? In my opinion, no. But you can't return these kinds of games (because of activation codes), and besides, many games today really aren't worth the $60 price tag. But diablo III comes close. Almost, but not quite.