What could be better than Diablo? ...

User Rating: 10 | Diablo II PC
After playing the original Diablo game, I couldn't imagine an action-RPG that could top that experience. However, with the arrival of Diablo II, I realized that such a feat was indeed possible. Blizzard delivered an incredible game that offered so much replay value, as well as the always-important "just a few more minutes of playing" feeling, that it (almost) eclipses its predecessor. While there were a few things to pick apart -- the graphics weren't all that much different from the first game (although I always liked the Diablo-style perspective in RPG games, so that was not an issue for me), and the save system could at times be frustrating (but again, it seemed to make the game more challenging, and not impossibly so) -- but, by a large margin, the pros far outweigh the cons on this game. Nearly eight years after it came out, I still find myself wanting to play this game again, and when I do, the experience is just as fresh and rewarding as it was when I first played it. For anyone even interested in trying Diablo II, I can only say go for it: this game is a masterpiece, and any PC gamer worth their salt must try it at least once.