A great game for 20 bucks. If you can withstand repetive.

User Rating: 7 | Dexter's Laboratory: Deesaster Strikes! GBA
The repetive part is ok to me, if i get tired of an game, i take a few days break. Btw: Allmost 90 % of all games out there IS repetive, face it. Graphics: Nice, lovely, its almost look like the cartoon itself. Sound: The music is horrible, turn it off. Gameplay: Great, but repetive. You collect Dee Dees,Collecttools, fix machines, solve puzzles etc, allot of fun. You must also avoid enemies. But why is Dexters robots and animals attack Dexter anyway? Down sides: Besides repetive gameplay and Music; - The energy bar is decresing fast, and takes too long to refill. One muffin, is just one or two precent. - To begin with, it might be hard to aim at the platformers. - Some of the dangers out there, have to long rage, to give you a hurt. If you just passing an electric fence, it will often burn you. - Some invisible walls here and there, but nothing big. - There is some "what the heck shall i do now" moments. Like "is this a bug?" Look at this small Faq: Q: If i must turn off the game, in room c or d, do i have to play room a and b again? A: No, just go to the Hub computer, and select the room, press A, then go to the black teleporter behind you.

Q: I have collected almost all Dee Dees, but i still have 12 Dee Dees short, and there is no more rooms... A: Its the alien world. Do as above, select Alien room A, walk over the teleporter.
Q: Last level, room a, how do i get inn the room were the machine is?
A: You must fix the sink first, in the bath.