This Gameboy game is a lot of fun, however, it really can only be appreciated as a time killer.

User Rating: 8.5 | Funny Field GB
Back to 1990! Where the industry was all over the place, and the console race was anybody's game. The Nintendo Gameboy was young, and we all remember some early titles such as "Nintendo Baseball" and of course "Tetris" But im sure very few of you actually remember, or have played SNK's 1990 puzzle game "Dexterity" which I wasnt even aware of until I was given my game boy advanced and a bucket of games from my uncle at the age of 8. I found myself interested in this particular game, it was a sort of "Time Killer" if you will. Its concept was interesting, basically you flip white tiles to be colored titles while dodging certain enemies. When you filled the entire room with colored tiles, you move on to the next round and there are around 30 rounds in total. The experience is fun, but the repetitiveness really does not stilt it up high enough to put a mark on history. The music is catchy however, and that really helps a puzzle game out in a certain regard because of the manner youd be playing it in. It has a few modes as well, which does create a certain amount of variety, so I will instill points for this area as well. Overall, Dexterity is a fun puzzle game, and Id say if you find it somewhere by some chance, Id recommend it. But seriously, if you're looking for a puzzle game with more difficulty and a feel youll always want to come back to, i'd recommend Tetris. Dexterity is still a fun game just about anyone can enjoy, and will always be regarded in my mind as a decent puzzle title.