review 47

User Rating: 2.5 | Devil World NES
well sorry i haven't made any reviews in a birthday is
January 23rd so i found this game only on the Japanese famicon
or nes or family famicon i think.i have a game called devils world.
you play this dinosaur who looks like on of the bubble bobble cant collect white dots like in need a
cross in order to do a cross in a nes game.WOW no wonder
this game wasn't in NA.the devil is on the top of the screen and
hes blue?well at least hes not i know this would be
good for a Halloween review rather then a birthday review
but im SO not playing bugs bunny birthday level 3 its
a bonus round and you know what this game has.the screen
can move by makes this game very hard and fun but
man its hard and i don't really like this game.i like the cover art
of pac-man on the atari 400 Computer is it bad.
LOOK IT UP ITS AT LEAST that's all i got to say.
well see you in a duck tales future.