It's just ok...might not want to waste your time.

User Rating: 6.7 | Deus Ex: Invisible War PC
For those of us who loved the first Deus Ex, this game was a huge let down. It's almost like the developers threw some chopped down version of Deus Ex at us. In the first, there were more biomod options, larger areas, harder bad guys, a more indepth story, and more ways to complete tasks. In Invisible War, you pretty much do most things the way the NPCs tell you to do them. You can change your biomod outfit whenever you want, unlike the first where you had to think about what you wanted. The story was so predectable that they all but write it out for you on a napkin. Most of the levels (that is, areas where you have to complete goals) are so short, that you are slmost done as soon as you walk in. In short, you no longer have to think things threw, you just get the most powerful weapon and lay fools down. Cool sometimes, but not much fun after awhile. Personaly, I like a story that keeps me guessing and NPCs that don't tell me how to do every little thing. I guess Ion thinks that gamers are completely gone in the head and need someone to hold their hand. It's a shame really, this game could have been so much better. Oh well, maybe next time...