A greatly hyped and ambitious game that could never live up to player expectations. A good story, nonetheless.

User Rating: 8.2 | Deus Ex: Invisible War PC
Gameplay: I didn't get this game until the price came down because of all the disappointed reviews I read. I really enjoyed the first Deus Ex and when I heard they took away the weapon and technical skill system I was upset. What made the original game good though, was the intriguing story. Once I started playing this game I found myself wrapped up in the story. I was completely sucked in by the story and played too much. I found it quite enjoyable. The game wasn't the best ever, but I really enjoyed it. It was more than worth the $20 I payed for it. Graphics: The graphics were fine in this game. I'm still coming from PC gamer perspective so I can't give a very even perspective. It looked very good on my TV though. The graphics were certainly adequate. Sound: Sound was fine. Nothing to write home about, but it was implemented very well and provided the proper environment. Value: For $20 (what I payed for it) it's great. I really enjoyed the game, though it doesn't have much replay value. The game's greatest stength is in the interesting story.