One of the most innovative and underappreciated games on the Xbox.

User Rating: 9.1 | Deus Ex: Invisible War XBOX
Ever since I saw this game on the gamespot previews, I was hooked, I had never played the first one (until a few months ago), but WOW did this game blow me away. The story is too complicated to really go into in this review. First off, I love the ragdoll physics and the havok engine, that is one of the greatest design achievements in gaming history, period. I love being able to throw people around or light a park bench on fire, just imagine if GTA had this engine. The biomods are just plain awesome, but I always used the same, but theyre still real cool. The game takes a good amount of time to beat, and you'll love every minute. The guns are good, and there is a good seletion of them, from knifes to swords and clubs, to smg's and flamethrowers, all the way down to spiderbots. The graphics are good, but nothing to make me soil myself with glee. To put it short, this is an excellent game and should not be missed by anyone who likes first person shooters, stealth, or rpgs, because its all three in one fantastic game.