Beyond just a 'game', this experience fully immerses you into a modernized vision of the dystopic cyberpunk genre.

User Rating: 9 | Deus Ex: Human Revolution X360
To evoke a cliche, this game is more than than the sum of its parts. While it has many elements found in other titles, such as the fact as it combines shooting, puzzle solving, stealth, in an interactive rpg world, if you're disinterested in most other elements and are just fixated on one you may come away disappointed.

This game does a lot, and I think it does everything well.

But for me I'd have to say the main selling point, it's main strength is how everything comes together and pulls you into a beautiful, novel experience and interpretation of the classic cyberpunk genre.

Almost quite literally, the concepts and story within this game you can realistically envision happening in our world in the next 50 years.

The visual aesthetic, the musical score, the story writing and the sheer level of choice and game mechanics makes the whole experience massively immersive.

This game should be treated like a good book, open your mind and let yourself be pulled in. It's more than a 'game', it's a story, it's a world, an immersive experience that will make you feel.