Its weaknesses are justified through its strengths

User Rating: 9 | Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut PC

Deus Ex HR is an interesting game in that it falls into my 'messy 9' rating score. That is, it belongs 'in 9' in my book, but that it is a fundamentally '8' game.

The reason why is because of the somewhat shoddy presentation. I'm talking about the 'second rate nature' of everything, ranging from the UI, the combat, and the graphics.

Personally for me, however, the game cannot justifiably sit in the '8' bin, because it has truly unique things going for it. The story, characters, and setting are truly remarkable. I found myself getting drawn in despite the game's weaknesses, and found the combat extremely satisfying despite its shortcomings.

At the end of the day, when New Game Plus was offered, I dove back into the game. I think that sentiment in itself was enough for me to decide the game was something special. Again, however, there is some subjectivity here. On an objective level, the game is a few nuts and bolts short of becoming truly great.