No aliens were better than 50's aliens. And this game is living proof.

User Rating: 9.5 | Destroy All Humans! PS2

Platforms- PS2, XBOX

Gamespot Score- 7.5

Destroy All Humans for the Playstation 2 and Xbox has one simple objective, DESTROY ALL HUMANS!!! In this game you play as a small alien from the planet Furon named Crypto 137. He is sent to earth in an effort to rescue the alien he was cloned from, Crypto 136 who was kidnapped by the government after crash landing. He is also commissioned to extract human DNA since the ability for Furons to clone themselves is becoming less possible and every human has some of the correct DNA in their brains to continue the process. Crypto sets out to find his brother but is infuriated to find that (SPOILER ALERT) he was dissected by scientists. Crypto then goes on a new mission to take over the entire earth and take some brains along the way.

The game controlls relatively well with a third person shooter s tyle You have four weopons to work with and several telepathic abilities like hypnotizing enemies, tearing their brains out to collect for DNA for upgrades, or just picking them up and tossing them. the jetpack does not work as well as one would like it to since when you are in the air you have very little control over moving forward. It also doesn't last very long. Telepathic abilties can sometimes be much more useful for a player than guns which is why they are a welcomed change from other shooters.

One of the most welcomed surprises of the game is the comedy. You could get quite a kick out of the dialogue between Crypto and his superior Orthopox. I especially enjoyed the opening cutscene where Crypto argues with Pox over whether to go the earth. If you're interested, definitely look it up on Youtube.

Final Bite- Destroy All Humans is a game that can be extremely enjoyable if you can look past some minor faults.

NOTE- There are a collection of Cheat Codes for this game that can make the experience much easier. For 360, the BLACK button is the right bumber ON A 360 controller and the WHITE button is the left bumper