What an awesome game!

User Rating: 8.5 | Destroy All Humans! PS2
In this game, you control an alien clone called Crypto sent to Earth to unleash havoc against helpless, puny humans! Use your mind power to read humans' minds, extract their brains (ew!), pick them up and fling them around, and hypnotize them to dance! As Crypto, you can travel to different areas of the U.S to kill human police officers, eliminate the military, and destroy the Majestic! Use your weapons when your on foot, pursuing humans with your zap-o-matic, fire gun, and more. When your in your saucer, avoid firing tanks by destroying them with your ray gun, nuclear bombs, and abducting them and humans! Even kill farmer's cows and chickens, and make them do the chicken dance!

This is an amazing game. Very nice graphics, even though the humans are a bit off, excellent sound, and very enjoyable gameplay that's sure to please anyone.