WARNING: In this version, campaign mode is NOT MULTIPLAYER!

User Rating: 5 | Destroy All Humans! Big Willy Unleashed WII
I'm shocked that this version has a single player only campaign mode. The previous versions were more fun having someone play along with you. I don't understand what the developers were thinking changing this.

Do not be deceived by this game being advertised or shown on the box as "Multiplayer". Multiplayer exists as two lame mini-games outside of the regular campaign game play. The Wii controls are easy to adjust to if you've played previous Wii shooters. I haven't played enough of the single player campaign mode, but the first chapter wasn't horrible. I'm sure the game content will be entertaining (which is the 2rd reason I bought this), but I mainly bought this to have another co-op multiplayer DAH game. I'm very let down by the stripping of the multiplayer campaign. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?!?!?