Better than the original.

User Rating: 10 | Destroy All Humans! 2 PS2
This game is still very funny and good to take your stress out on but it is now longer. The game has all of the good qualities from the first game and loads of new ones. These are the new features.
Dislocator: A gun that fires purple disks at enemies and tosses them around and slams them into things.
Meteor strike: A gun that sennds out a lure that attracts meteors and small planets. Good for destroying buildings without getting in your saucer.
Gastro: A gun that drops Gastro, a temporary side-kick. He is a holo-machine with gun's attatched.
Burrow beast: A gun that shoots out lure that attract a monster from underground that eats all of the enemies near the lure.
Anti-gravity field: This is the new saucer weapon. It shoots out a anti-gravity field that sucks everything around it to it. Good for disabling enemies whilst you go to do whatever you where doing before without any hastle.
Gene blender: This allows you to abduct humans into your saucer and experiment on them to unlock new upgrades.
Saucer cloak: This allows your saucer to become invisible.
Body snatch: This replaces holo-bob. When you perform a body-snatch you actually go into the victims body.
Arkvoodle cult missions: These missions allow you to bring about the second coming of Arkvoodle (Your God).
The new storyline: Your enemies that you think you destroyed in the war have some survivors. They have taken over the Soviet Union so they try to destroy you. You've got to destroy them first. Also you face the English Majestic. You now have a human girl-friend called Natalya.
New invasion sites: Bay City (based on San Fransisco), Albion (based on London), Takoshima, Tunguska and an enemy moon base.

Overall this game is extremely entertaining.