Slightly different from the first game, but more positive things as well.

User Rating: 9 | Destroy All Humans! 2 PS2
Welcome to the Destroy All Humans! 2 review!
The game was worth the wait and was extremely fun.

The graphics in the game stayed somewhat the same, but not all. Overall in the graphics department they did a very great job.

The only difference I saw in gameplay was when using the PK, it was more difficult to kill someone. Another thing I saw was when buildings were attacked by the saucer, they didn't catch on fire like in the first game, but erupted with some smoke.

The game had five different invasion sites which had open world play and plenty of ground to cover. The story in this game was terrific and so were the odd jobs.

Weapons were now different as well. I noticed that that the anal probe was now different in a good way. Instead of charging it before shooting, you now only need ammo, which was easy to get by the new ability, transmogrify. And in this game included more weapons such as: the meteor gun and dislocator. And UFO weapons such as the anti-gravity field.

This game is very entertaining just like the first game, and it has you playing repeatedly. I recommend playing this after playing the first game, and before Big Willy Unleased. It helps a lot more when you know what's going on. And it shows you the chance in everything once you start playing Path of the Furon.

One last thing before I go,
if you're one of the people that love to use cheats, just as you did in the first game to alter your gameplay, there are no cheats for this game. However, you still can put in Action Replay Codes for this game. It will cause your game to corrupt, not completely destroying it, but when you play it again, you will see the change. Such as: missing human faces, repeating background music, and becoming immortal in the UFO. Trust me, immortality in this game is good, but not being able to leave the invasion site, or do anything, is not fun.

Thank you for taking your time to read this review and enjoy the game!