One of the most enjoyable ways to kill time on any platform...

User Rating: 9 | Destiny (Limited Edition) PS4

Destiny is one of the few "next-gen" games that has even closely lived up to the hype created when it was announced back in 2013. Although the game does have its flaws, and feels somewhat half-baked/unfinished/ different to what we expected from the reveal, it still manages to deliver an action packed experience with MMO elements.

Destiny boasts some of the richest environments available on console, and has incredibly in-depth back-story, however this is only readable on bungie's website in the grimoire which is what lads me to believe the game is unfinshed). There's tonnes of loot and gear to collect; hundreds of activities both weekly and daily; and the community is extremely friendly and collaborative, making it easy for players to team up and create new fire-teams or even set up their own clans through LFG sites and subreddits. The re-playability of this game after the main campaign is unreal, with players thirsting for more and more content every week. Bungie the developers, are also very active in supporting the game and keeping fans up to date with current issues and events taking place.

The main issues with this game for many people is, as mentioned above, the missing story. This really affects the single player element of the game, and makes it kind of dull and repetitive, but the rest of the game almost than makes up for what destiny lacks in in-game story; and besides, the concealed nature of the story adds fire to the flames of conspiracy about why certain things are the way they are in the game.

Overall, this is one of the best games I've played in a long time, where I have truly been compelled to sink more and more time into the game. I would recommend playing this game with friends though, or finding new ones through LFG, because the end-game content such as raids, strikes and nightfalls really do extend the lifetime of this wonderful, imaginative game.