So Close, But Yet So Far...

User Rating: 5 | Destiny 2 PC
Ever heard of the game Destiny?...Of course you have, who hasn't? The name has been synonymous with disappointment for years, 3 to be exact. Before we discuss this game let's have a little look back at Destiny 1. Now the game was nothing special it had great potential but was held down by a nonexistent plot, boring and underdeveloped characters, archaic loot and weapon systems and an uninspired world. The game received "mixed" reviews but made a whole LOT OF MONEY!!! So that means sequel. Now that we're here, Destiny 2 has only just recently came out and receiving mass praise and attention, now that's great and all but why? Let's talk about that. Sound- The sound design of this game is great it instantly immerses you into the world and the battlefield. The music has a real symphonic vibe to it making every little thing that you accomplish feel large. Every mission is graced with Beautiful music and atmosphere that will quickly draw you in. Gameplay- The feeling of playing this game is very mediocre. It doesn't try to develop or change the gameplay style of the first making it feel very tired and overused. The weapon design also doesn't help that being very uninspired and lacklustre taking most of the fun out of collecting your own gear and utilising it against your enemies. There is just no real substance to the gameplay making it feel like every other FPS game out here. Story- The basic synopsis of this game is that a very large meathead (Ghaul) and his other faceless goons are threatening to steal the light from The Traveller and you have to stop him. The story in this game is very meh it's too afraid to really branch out and explore the deeper side of the universe and slowly expand it for you to care. It takes no risks there is no real twists or turns that keep it exciting, the antagonist while looking somewhat cool is very boing, unintimidating and underdeveloped. The characters while being a lot more charismatic and likeable than the original add hardly nothing to the overall story and are left being filler to drag out the game more. The only prop I can really give it is that it is very directed and straight forward making it easy to keep up with but that's pretty much it. I was very disappointed with the story, and with the universe Bungie have created they could have made something truly unique but sadly didn't. Graphics- The graphics for this game are amazing. Each of the worlds you visit all have a thick atmosphere and ooze with character each with their own great soundtrack to go along with it. There are so many little details added to the vast amount of worlds that really give it its own distinct feeling. A lot of effort clearly went into creating them and it really pays off. The world Bungie have created has so much potential but is constantly bogged down with poor writing, weak characters, boring villains and monotonous gameplay. This game had so much potential just like the last but doesn't attempt to do anything new and instead started leaning toward the generic FPS side of games and will slowly get lost in the crowd and forgotten.