Desperados wanted dead or alive is a great game the graphics are smooth and the music is outstanding

User Rating: 8.5 | Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive PC
The other reviews is crap because they are giving desperados a bad remark because really it is a good game to play because i loved the learning curve getting into the game. every player you get, you get a learning curve to what character is all about. the gamplay is great because you can do almost everything there is to do in the game like blowing up wagons jumping of balconies and more . the graphic is colourful, smooth and they did alot to look very western the graphics on the buildings looks cool and exact to a western house. The sound and music is really western and really put in the mood to play the level. The value is good because you get 25 mission plus learning curve and 5 different people with difrent abilites.
Its great !!! If you want a good graphical adventure game buy desperados.