OK if this type of game is your thing!

User Rating: 1 | Desperados 2: Cooper's Revenge PC
This is one of the games where you are above all that is happening and point to where you want the current characterr to go and then fiddle with the keys to choose the correct weapon (knife for stabbing, knife for throwing, gun for shooting, etc.). You can hit a key and put the camera with your character -- as in most FPS games -- but I never felt I was in charge.

Recognize you must complete the missions in exactly the way the game wants you to. If the game wants you to kill a bad guy by throwing a knife at him then you can't shoot him. Pretty stupid! I understand using stealth when it is required but when I'm fighting in a saloon?

The game goes to the bottom with the second mission (one minute into the game). Your mission is to shoot some tin cans at a pistol range. OK if you can see the cans! If you can't see the cans, and I can't see them very clearly, then what's the point!

At the end of the third mission (kill the guy by picking up the knife and throwing it at him) you are required to carry the dead body to a wagon near your partner BUT you don't know where in he!! your partner is standing! And the "mini map" doesn't show you where she is either!

For the fourth mission you play as your partner and distract a guy by blowing face powder at him. Then the main character kills the guy in a film sequence (you don't do anything). Pretty stupid!

The fifth mission -- OH, forget it. The game starts at the bottom and never improves. What a waste of time!

Before we shell out good money for games we should know their formats. I just paid $20US for this game and I hate this format! Sometimes having this format available is OK provided you don'y have to use it. In this game play is very poor if you choose to not do the point thing.