This game was disappointing on just about every level. I’d suggest this game for die-hard fans only.

User Rating: 6.1 | Desert Demolition Starring Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote GEN
The only option that made this game acceptable was that you could play as either Road Runner or Wily Coyote. So, once you easily beat this game as one character you can easily beat it with the other character. Oh, did I mention that this game is horribly boring and easy? It deserves repeating. Nothing really sets this game apart from the pack or makes me want to continually look at the screen. It is impossible to get all of the power-ups, as you are extremely limited in time (which presents the only challenge in this game). The game play is uneven and playing as the Coyote is awkward on a level unheard of for side-scrollers.