When your level 12 gets beat by the computers level 4, you know something is very wrong with the game.

User Rating: 2.5 | Depths of Peril PC
Could have been a good Diablo 2 clone, but is crippled with a disastrous competing clan system. The other clans are always trying to talk to you, even though they idea of the game is to kill the other clans. Very little upside to trading with the other clan, you are going to have to fight them other wise, even clans that you have good relations with still attack you at times. Stupid game dynamics. After more than one attempt to play this game, and getting my ass handed to me by a level 4 NPC, and I am level 12, something is deeply wrong with this game. In addition the balance between classes is off, mange classes are significantly more powerful than warrior classes with little difference in armor protection. Major mouse tracking issues. Some graphics glitches. lots of crashing to desk top, may not happen in the PC version but happens often in the Mac version. Over all a very poor game, save your $20 and go and get find Diablo 2 in the discount bin. Many other options available that are far superior to this game. Feels like a beta version to me, even though it has been out for a year.