If you have not played this game yet, then you are missing out on one of the best games of all time.

User Rating: 10 | Demon's Souls PS3
As what most people are stating about this game, I, too, will say that this is one of the hardest games out there so it might not be for everyone but if you like challenges in a game then this is the game for you. This game will test your patience but once you figure out how to go through each worlds unscathed then it becomes more manageable and you feel a deep satisfaction as if you actually accomplished something worthwhile like asking the girl of your dreams on a date. You will not be able to muscle your way through each levels on this game so you want to have a plan before you proceed and that is where the messages come into play. Beware though because some messages are false but most of it are dead on. Graphics is one of the best out there and it makes me feel like I'm really in a different world and on a quest to eliminate demons that are creating misery to a lot of good people in the world. Although, sometimes, it can get a little scary knowing that someway or somehow, you will eventually have to defeat these frightening looking creatures.... but once I see the spirit of another player who is going on the same quest as I am, I start to feel better.... and perhaps, these players are enjoying the game as much as I am. I am not done with the game yet and I don't know If I'm close to it, but I must say that hopefully, I still have a long way to go because I am enjoying this game so much for it to end.