Embrace the awesomenes that is Demon's Souls

User Rating: 9 | Demon's Souls PS3
One word… Outstanding!!! Demon's Souls is easily one of the best RPGs out there on the PS3... Also, a game which many will not enjoy unless you have the patience and love towards RPGs.

Gameplay: 10/10

This is where Demon's Souls shines. The gameplay is perfect. Yes, the game is hard, but not frustrating, which is the difference between loving and hating any game. Even though the game is hard there are no cheap deaths. And, if u die you have no one to blame, but your approach. The controls feel great and responsive and as you level up your character gets stronger and once you get a hang of the controls you will be killing enemies without any trouble. In Demon's Souls you are rewarded with souls for killing every enemy. You need souls for everything, from buying weapons, healing items to leveling up. You don have to worry much about buying items cos the loot the enemies drop is more than sufficient. There is no save option that is the game automatically saves everything you do and if you die you will have to replay the entire level and all enemies respawn. This even though sounds frustrating is a good thing, as this will help you in getting better in the game. One more thing you need to remember is that every time you die you lose ALL your souls and you will have start over and make it to the spot you died earlier and touch your bloodstain to regain all the lost souls, but if you die while you are on your way to your bloodstain, you lose your souls for good. There will be no way to get them back. Imagine losing 50000 souls... Ouch!!! that hurt...

Graphics: 9/10

Graphically Demon's Souls is not the best in the market. But it does a fair job with the animation and the textures. Even though the character models don't look great up-close, it's the draw distance, the enemy design and the intense atmosphere which overshadows all the graphical flaws.

Story: 8/10

Demon's Souls is not a story driven game. Usually RPG's need to be heavily story driven, but this is one rare RPG where in the story takes a backseat to the gameplay and atmosphere. Demon's Souls is all about the atmosphere and you trying to survive the enemy onslaught. You have 5 world to choose from andonc you beat the first stage, the world opens up and youcan choose your next world..

Sound: 9/10

The voice acting and the music is just mind blowing. The music does add to the atmosphere of the game, making it easily one of the most atmospheric games ever created.

Multiplayer: 9/10

Demon's Souls has a unique multiplayer feature where you can either summon other players to help you out or invade other player's game and kill them, which has its own effects on the game. There is also a brilliant in game help system where you can leave hints for other player and warn them of what's in store.

Longevity: 10/10

This game is not a long game. You have 16 locations and 1 boss at the end of each location. On the first run you will have to build your character which will take a lot of time as a result you will take anywhere between 40-50 hrs on your first run. But on your second and third run you can finish the game in under 15hrs. On the second run onwards you get to carry forward all your weapons and upgrades, also, the enemies tend to get tougher on every playthrough.

Overall: 9/10

Easily recommendable to any RPG fan. If u love playing RPG then this is one game you should not miss.