From an unbiased write.. Instant Classic!!!

User Rating: 9 | Demon's Souls PS3
This game is truly fun an satisfying game that will have you not wanting to put your controller down. Yes as you probably already heard, you will die in this game but your supposed to. This game is all about making your way to the next checkpoint by progressing a little further then the last time you died until you finally get to the end. You can't just rush into this game an expect to beat it right away. You must carefully enter each area and scope out tough enemies that could be hiding somewhere ready to kill you in one good combo attack. Due to the fact that this game provides a challenge that so many games lack these days it's the only game on the market right now (including Dark Souls) that I would recommend for serious gamers wanting something new, refreshing and more importantly.. a challenge. Dark Souls is superior to this game in every way but this was the one that started it all. Start off with this game and if you can manage not to throw your controller through your T.V. upgrade to the much improved Dark Souls which you can actually buy a strategy guide for to clues on how to get the best weapons. I highly recommend this game as it is indeed an instant classic.

Demon Souls 9.0
Dark Souls 9.5