Stick it out long enough and you'll love this game.

User Rating: 8.5 | Demon's Souls PS3
At the beginning I guess I thought about Demon's Souls what anyone does - it was certainly different, what with the realistic combat and difficulty and unforgiving death policy and stuff. But in the first level I didn't die - I was digging the combat, having to hold my shield up at every corner. It worked well, and I wondered, wow, is this game as hard as everyone whines?

My answer came in the second level, as I fought one fat, fire-spitting enemy for about 45 minutes, and, at the time, I thought seriously about quitting and calling the $20 I had spent a waste. But then something happened finally. I rolled out of the way correctly every time, and, creeping closer to the fat bastard, I jabbed at him with my halberd. I rolled back, lay in wait patiently, and crept forward again and again until finally, still giggling creepily, he fell flat on the floor dead. And I felt a feeling of satisfaction like I haven't gotten from a game in a long, long time.

This is what Demon's Souls does to you - it tosses you to the wolves at first and makes you learn every mechanic in the combat system the hard way. Everyone reviewing this game has to refer to it ("Demon's Souls")as one entity because it all holds together so well and, with all its might, it breaks you until you learn how to fight properly. It's all up to you, and if you can manage to shake off your own modern gaming preconceptions (harder than it sounds), before long you will know how to fight. With that one enemy I learned two of the most important things in this game - patience in approaching an enemy and rolling at the right time. The general elegance and subtlety of this combat system and its weapons can only be grasped if you're willing to get through a ridiculous, though necessary, learning curve. A game as unique as this would never come without one.

And if you have a netbook/laptop, it's seriously easier to get over your personal hurdles, whatever they may be. Keep it by you on the couch and refer to a guide, or google something you don't understand. It helps me immensely and I wouldn't recommend beginners go too far without a guide unless they thirst for the most hardcore experience possible.

So in summation Demon's Souls is truly a remarkable experience. The juicy combat combined with lots of nice lewts and RPG stats, the oppressive but fascinating atmosphere, and the fantastic level design make for a game you want to get to get to know. However much it may, at first, spit at you, kick you, and call you a nancy boy.

I still don't know how I feel about it, but it grabbed me. Keep playing until you get that spark of realization and you'll start enjoying it more. I'm a capable gamer but by no means hardcore, and this is advice for anyone who games regularly but feels this game might be too hard for them. You'll be hooked by the time you start getting the combat down, trust me.

I feel that it has to do more with tenacity than 'hardcore' status as a gamer. If there's a small part of you that really likes to pursue goals and be handsomely rewarded for them, this game will keep you going until you achieve its handsome rewards, which come in the form of levels, personal skill, wonderful environments, huge bosses, and the sight of those bosses' demon souls imploding and going straight to you. There is too little challenge and mystery in our world today, and this game provides an experience riddled with both.