Simply put hardest but BEST role playing game on PS3!!!

User Rating: 9.5 | Demon's Souls PS3
I was unsure of buying this game considering how hard and unforgiving everyone says it is (which seems true at times) but I have never once regreted the purchase of it. The most amazing thing about it is deffinetly the combat with a great balance between melee and range fighting it takes alot of strategy and is a blast. The games story is not going to be as memorable as a game such as dragon age but by no means is it bad. The graphics in this game are quite impressive at times and some environments are extarodinary all though some can also be bland in comparison. The games online play is unlike anything I have ever seen you can invade eachothers games, work cooperativley and even view deaths of past players. YES this game will be hard and you will die it happens to everyone and yes it can be frusterating at times but you will eventually get through it and this game has a rewarding feeling like no other I have ever played.

my grading scale:

Online Play:9.5
Replay value:9