Addictive combat that will keep you coming back for more.

User Rating: 8 | Demon's Souls PS3
I just found out about this series 2 months ago and boy what memories it has given me.

The reactionary style of game play is so satisfying!

The lack of save points might becoming frustrating at times, but once you spend a little bit of time and figure out how to glide through the next stage without getting hit ...there isn't a much better feeling you can get while gaming.

The difficulty is what makes this game so much fun. It doesn't hold your hand. It says shut up and let's see what you're made of.

It begins with a basic tutorial but practically nothing after that. You will almost always want to hop online to figure out what weapon to use or what style of play. With that being said, your pride will interfere and say, now wait just a minute CAN figure this out, just think about it for a couple minutes.

The last thing I'll say about this game is it's like golfing. The more calm and patient you are, the better you'll do. But the moment you die a couple of easily-avoidable deaths and you start getting angry, you may as well set the controller down for awhile because it's pointless playing this game when you're all wound up.

But then you take a break, come back once you're cooled off and get to the next check-mark, then pump your fist in the air because you did it.

Beating these games means you join an elite club. And it's a cloud I'm proud to be part of!